Grosvenor Casinos choose TCSJOHNHUXLEY for 3-Year Maintenance Contract

Following a comprehensive and thorough tender process, TCSJOHNHUXLEY are delighted to announce they have been awarded a major 3-Year Contract by Grosvenor Casinos to service & maintain electronic and traditional gaming products in multiple venues throughout the UK. A number of service providers entered the RFP process, which included evaluations on: quality of service delivery,… Fortsätt läsa Grosvenor Casinos choose TCSJOHNHUXLEY for 3-Year Maintenance Contract

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Tristan Sjöberg from TCS John Huxley about the importance of the ICE 2015 trade show

Article from InterGaming: Tristan Sjoberg from TCS John Huxley speaks to Alan Campbell about the importance of the ICE 2015 trade show. ONE of the world’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of live gaming solutions and services, TCS was established in 1973 and soon found success with its Chipper Champ chip sorting machine being introduced at… Fortsätt läsa Tristan Sjöberg from TCS John Huxley about the importance of the ICE 2015 trade show

TCS John Huxley honored at the Sands Supplier Excellence Awards

(Singapore) TCS John Huxley received the Marina Bay Sands Innovation award on Tuesday December 9, at the 2014 Sands Supplier Excellence Awards held in Singapore. Among the almost 300 vendors that competed in a diverse range of categories, TCS was one of only seven award winners. “We’re honored to have been nominated and awarded by… Fortsätt läsa TCS John Huxley honored at the Sands Supplier Excellence Awards

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Nytt varumärke: TCS JOHN HUXLEY

Efter några månaders hårt arbete att sammanföra TCS Ltd och John Huxley Ltd lanseras nu det nya varumärket i samband med världens största spelmässa som hålls i Las Vegas 16-18 spetember. Förvärvet skedde 16 maj i år och lagom till Global Gaming Expo lanseras de båda företagen som ett gemensamt varumärke. TCS John Huxley är… Fortsätt läsa Nytt varumärke: TCS JOHN HUXLEY

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TCS JOHN HUXLEY and VendingData sign distribution agreement

TCS JOHN HUXLEY has entered into an exclusive five-year agreement with VendingData Corporation to market and distribute their shuffler products outside of the US.  In connection with the signing of the agreement, TCS JOHN HUXLEY will issue an initial order for 100 of VendingData’s newly introduced PokerOne shuffler. An additional order will be received by… Fortsätt läsa TCS JOHN HUXLEY and VendingData sign distribution agreement

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A touch of Knutsson på Casino Cosmopol

Den 30 augusti invigdes Casino Cosmopol Göteborg i gamla Tullhuset. Över 1 000 speciellt inbjudna bevittnade ”First spin” av Svenska Spels VD, Meg Tivéus, assisterad av landshövding Göte Bernhardsson och Göteborgs kommunalråd Göran Johansson. För scenunderhållningen – ledd av Kristian Luuk – svarade bland andra magikern Stefan Odelberg och Viva Las Vegas. Casinochefen, Stefan Johansson,… Fortsätt läsa A touch of Knutsson på Casino Cosmopol